Psychological Consultancy and Therapy

Choronic Diseases

Choronic Diseases

Although coming into the world with physical disorder is not seen as a nettlesome situation in view of many until past years, this is indisputable serious stress source. It is not enough to interest in only physical healthy of children in this situation; the researches have shown that mental healths of these children are under the risk. How choronic diseases affect to a child’s life depending on several factors: in which proportion disease affects life of child, to what extent brain is affected, nature and course of disease, number of children faced with medical operation, in which proportion family support to child, personality and resistance of child, the age of child, external source and support system etc.

Most common problems of children with choronic diseases are: concern, fear, despair, preclusion, lose of control, anger, withdrawn, negative self, perception of body, and difficulties in social life. It is known that anxiety level of these children’s family are very high, over stress may causes divorce in these families.

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