Psychological Consultancy and Therapy

Speech Disorders

Speech Disorders

What is Pronounciation (articulation) Disorder?

It is wrong producing of voices, sylables and words. Intense of disorder in speech can change from little and unimportant malfuntions to totaly incoherent speaking.

Which Experts Can Evaluate Pronounciation (articulation) Disorder?

All topics of disorders regarding to language can be evaluated by “Motor Speech Therapist” who has “master degree” or “doctoral degree” on this field. If appropriate, motor speech therapist may want to see evaluation from another professional or direct child to another professional (psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, ear-noice and throat specialist etc.) according to results of tests and evaluations. The therapist plans to work in direction work  recommended professional is planing to work in direction with recommended professional’s suggestions.

When Should Apply to a Professional?

At any age may be applied to a professional for therapy and evaluation. When you think something is different, receiving an expert opinion will be more accurate instead of waiting. Motor speech therapist who evalute the child will decide to when and how an application should be done.

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